Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Demonstration is Evil Works by the United States and Israel - Nik Aziz Nik Mat

Nik Aziz Nik Mat is a top leader of the PAS political party. For more information about him, visit this link. Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Nik Aziz Nik Mat

Nik Aziz Nik Mat

Here are snippets from his speech.

In Malay Language,

Saya yakin, AS dan Israel akan berterusan memainkan jarum mereka di Timur Tengah. Mereka melaungkan slogan demokrasi namun apabila demokrasi menikam mereka, tanpa malu-malu mereka akan mencabul demokrasi. Lihat sahaja, adakah mereka menghormati pilihan rakyat di Algeria ketika FIS digulingkan? Adakah mereka menghormati pilihan rakyat ketika Najmuddin Erbakan dinafikan hak untuk berkuasa di Turki? Demikian juga yang berlaku di Gaza dan Tebing Barat ketika Hamas memenangi pilihanraya, adakah mereka berpegang kepada prinsip demokrasi? Cited from http://www.mykmu.net/?p=32588


Demonstration is Evil Works by the United States and Israel - Nik Aziz Nik Mat

Demonstration is Evil Works by the United States and Israel – Nik Aziz Nik Mat

In English,

I believe the U.S. and Israel will continue to play their needles in the Middle East. They chanted slogans of democracy, but when democracy stabbing them, without shame they would violate democracy. Just look, do they respect the choice of people in Algeria during the FIS was overthrown? Do they respect the people’s choice when Najmuddin Erbakan denied authorities in Turkey? Similarly, in Gaza and the West Bank while Hamas won the elections, do they stick to the principles of democracy?

Demonstration in any way be seen as indicating a sense of dissatisfaction, frustration and rage by a party to the existing government.

However, the extreme demonstration could affect public life, it is very pathetic and we can classify this as a foolish action.

Just enough to express themselves and do not need to cause any violence, doing damage to public property and the worst is, causing loss of life.

In Malaysia, the Malays and the Indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak, known for their manners, to be grateful, tolerant, considerate and loving attitude to practice peace.

That is why the Chinese and Indians who came to Malaysia can live safely and harmoniously without any war and ethnic violence as happened in Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines and many others (the author do not need to elaborate).

Recently, Malaysia was frequently attacked with extreme demonstrations by some irresponsible parties. The closest example of this is the recent demonstration, “BlackOut 505″ which is not directly relevant and just like a childish reunion.

However, the authors would like to ask, is he, that is, Nik Aziz Nik Mat, realized what he said?

Do all this, since the elections in Malaysia that has just gone by, describes what he Speak?

Illegal demonstration of “BlackOut 505″ is a demonstration that does not respect the election results, which is said to be transparent.


Blackout 505 Demo by PAS Supporters

Among the most bizarre incident is, Malaysia has 13 states altogether. See this link to know States In Malaysia.

But, why they did not question the victory of opposition parties in the three states of Selangor, Penang and Kelantan.

They say that the EC do a lot of fraud in carrying the last election.

EC is the body responsible for elections throughout the country. If true fraud has occurred in the elections, the states that were won by the opposition party is also a fraud.

Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia Official Website

However, what is the difference demonstrations in Malaysia? While everyone knows that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had better relationships with the western world and was quoted to protect the security of Israel.

Anwar Support Israel

Anwar Support Israel

Below are some nice information about Pakatan Rakyat.

  1. Anwar’s Pledge To Protect Israel

  2. BREAKING NEWS: Latest CIA Scandal – Funding the Opposition of Malaysia

Do you still remember Global Witness accusing Taib Mahmud for corruption? Below are some good story about Global Witness that you need to read and understand.

  1. Global Witness Admits Soros Funding

  2. About Global Witness

  3. Soros-funded Global Witness

There are 3 possibilities, namely:

  1. Nik Aziz Nik Mat has been aware with an evil agenda organized by the U.S. and Israel in the destruction of the Muslim countries.

  2. Nik Aziz Nik Mat does not know PR is sponsored by George Soros.

  3. Nik Aziz Nik Mat, twisting the situation to help PR win even though he knew the People’s Alliance sponsored by the George Soros.

Wallahu’alam bissawab (والله أعلمُ بالـصـواب)

We wish only the best for Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who already looks sickly.


Demonstration is Evil Works by the United States and Israel - Nik Aziz Nik Mat

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